QT – Great Things Going on at PGIP-Tech
PGIP-Tech Is Only As Good As Our Interns dr desiree depriest
PGIP-Tech Is Only As Good As Our Interns dr desiree depriest
Everyone at PGIP-Tech has valuable ideas to offer. Dr. Desiree Depriest
Mental diamonds come from individuals who take an innovative approach to learning. Dr. Desiree Depriest
The only constant is change DR. DESIREE DEPRIEST
Joe Justice is a TEDx speaker, guest lecturer at both MIT and Oxford University in England, featured in Forbes 5 times to date including as owner of a “Company to Watch” by Forbes Billionaire Club, cited in more than 8 business paperbacks and hardcovers, the subject of a Discovery Channel […]
Mr. Nicolas Chaillan was appointed as the first Air Force Chief Software Officer in 2019. He is also the co-lead for the Department of Defense Enterprise DevSecOps Initiative with the Department of Defense Chief Information Officer. As the Air Force’s senior software czar, Mr. Chaillan is responsible for enabling Air […]